Your phone is ringing and you don't know who is calling?
tellows provides information to identify trustworthy or potential risk calls - thanks to our worldwide community.
tellows - find out who called with the phone number reverse search & caller protection
Find details about reported phone numbers from over 7 million monthly users in 50 countries and participate by becoming a part of tellows community.
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We categorise calls by type (debt collection, serious number, sweepstakes, etc.) and give the number in question a tellows score, which indicates whether a number is trustworthy or suspicious, helping you to decide whether or not to take the call.
Latest from our blog
We've all had to deal with the same thing.
It rings day and night 24/7 and there is no end in sight. Once you answer the phone there is nothing but silence or the intruisve chatter of a telemarketer. Does this scenario sound familiar? How should you know who is at the other end of the line? Do you want pick up the phone or leave it be? Who calls me? Thousands of people ask the same question every day. aims to provide a vast database of spam and scam telephone numbers in order to help people identify and locate the caller. The bigger the Tellows database grows the higher is chance to find out who is behind the nuisance calls. Learn more on tellows-blog
New unwanted phone numbers
On tellows, thousands of phone numbers are reported by the community every day. Here you can find phone numbers that were reported for the first time and were classified as unwanted.Recently added comments
Investigator Jamie reported number 048303231 as unknown
Multiple calls over last week. No one there if answered. Tried to call back wouldn't go through..definitely scam
2 Ratings for 048303231 (Wellington) -
Cat reported Raisers Hub with the number 098834912 as Trustworthy number
Calling about charitable donations
1 Rating for 098834912 (Auckland) -
The number +447873006885 has been assigned to unknown
1 Rating for +447873006885 (Telesign) -
The number 06495583935 has been assigned to unknown
1 Rating for 06495583935 () -
Raisers hub has been reported with number 098834892 as Harassment calls
1 Rating for 098834892 (Auckland)
Where does the information on telephone numbers come from? accumulates new spam and scam numbers on a daily basis. However, the user is the greatest contributor of new numbers! Therewith, you provide the knowledge necessary to avoid being ripped off. Furthermore, the categorisation and analysis of the callers nature and, above all, your rating of the number will climax in the tellows score which will convey whether the caller is trustworthy or dubious. The greatest advantage lies in sharing all avaiable information on a fraudulent number and, thereby, warning the people of looming dangers before they even lift the receiver.
Comments on the most frequently searched phone numbers
One NZ has been reported with number 099678765 as Telemarketer
Stated he was from ONE NZ and wanted to sell me some discounted home wifi package. Something about this guy sounded off & ONE have called me in the past using an automated script advising to contact via APP.
7 Ratings for 099678765 (Auckland )
Hung up on him. -
HelloFresh has been reported with number 0800452195 as Aggressive advertising
6 Ratings for 0800452195 (Telecom, TelstraClear and other network ) -
unknown has been reported with number 098699288 as Ping Call
4 Ratings for 098699288 (Auckland) -
Recoveries Corp has been reported with number 095583935 as Debt collection company
4 Ratings for 095583935 (Auckland) -
The number 068808142 has been assigned to unknown
Rang, but didn't answer as I didn't recognise the number. I don't know anyone in Palmerston North.
3 Ratings for 068808142 (Palmerston North)
Often searched companies
- Copy Direct in Walls Road 8
- Print shop
- Centro Biomedico Specialistico Reon in Via leopardi giacomo 23
- Medical laboratory
- First Fire Systems Ltd in Vestey Drive, Unit E 26/30
- Fire protection service
- Triton Hearing, Morrinsville in Thames Street 226
- Hearing aid store
- Szimpla Gastro Bar in Leonard Isitt Drive 2
- Bar
- Auckland Council in 135 Albert St
- Council
- Auckland Council in 135 Albert St
- Council
- Triton Hearing, Lower Hutt in High Street 195
- Hearing aid store
- THE BAR in Lakewood Court 16
- Bar
- UBX Mount Eden in Dominion Road 335
- Gym
Raisers hub has been reported with number 098834892 as Harassment calls
1 Rating for 098834892 (Auckland)